
Automatically setup LetsEncrypt SSL for *all* domains that do not currently have a certificate in directadmin

The new LetsEncrypt feature is a great way to easily secure your website connections at no cost.  If you already have many website that you want to secure all at once, you can use the autoletsencrypt.sh script to do this. Make sure you’ve already enabled LetsEncrypt on the system: Then you can install certificate for all domains:cd… read more »

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How to enable LetsEncrypt in directadmin

LetsEncrypt is a free SSL tool that lets you install a very basic free SSL Certificate with 1 click.  It supports multiple domains and sub-domains, and will auto-renew automatically before it expires after it’s ~90 day lifespan. To enable this feature in DirectAdmin, ensure you have DirectAdmin 1.50.1 or newer. If you’re running CentOS 6… read more »

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How to make DirectAdmin listen on port 2082 for HTTP requests and port 2083 for HTTPs

A: Just set the following settings in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf and restart DirectAdmin:Code: port=2082 ssl_port=2083 If you would like to let customers use just the SSL on port 2083, set:Code: ssl=1 port=2083 Related: https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=2101  3,410 total views,  6 views today

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How to upgrade mariadb or mysql in directadmin

To upgrade  MariaDB using the custombuild script, do the following: cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild./build set mariadb 10.3./build set mysql_inst mariadb./build set mysql_backup yes./build update./build mariadb ./build php n Where mariadb can be 5.5, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 or 10.3 A full raw sql backup will be run prior to the upgrade if you have mysql_backup=yes set.  It goes without saying, always make backups, either… read more »

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How To Set Or Change A Hostname In CentOS 7

A hostname is simply the name a server goes by on the network. Setting a unique hostname is an excellent way to quickly find and identified different servers on your network. There are three 3 types of hostnames. The static hostname is the most important one, and it’s stored in the /etc/hostname file. This hostname is used among machines to identify… read more »

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