Install a Specific or older Version of cPanel & WHM
In certain cases, you may need to install a specific version of cPanel & WHM on your server. While it is generally recommended to have the most up-to-date version, there are situations where installing a particular version is necessary.
Please note that we advise installing only the cPanel versions listed in the provided tiers.
To install a specific version of cPanel & WHM, follow these steps:
- Before installing cPanel, create the following file:
- The contents of the file should follow this format:
- Edit the line that says “CPANEL” and replace the value with the version you want to install. For example 110 that a=wrote
You can use any cPanel version from v94 and onwards with the “CPANEL” line. For more information and examples, please refer to our documentation on the “The cPanel & WHM Update Configuration File – cpupdate.conf.”
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